Patrick Ng

Posts Tagged ‘kidzania’

Sea Paradise and Kidzania

In Uncategorized on July 13, 2009 at 4:41 am

The last 2 days of my family trip we went to Sea Paradise in Yokohama and Kidzania in Lalaport.

We were amazingly close to these sea creatures and we could almost touch them.  For a small fee you will be able to swim with dolphins too.  This white Beluga whale was perhaps too bored inside the huge cylindrical tank, he blew bubbles and catch them repeatedly while swimming up and down.  We touched baby sharks and communicated with penguins as well.
Sea Paradise: Giant Sea TurtleSea Paradise: Close to penguinsSea Paradise: touching sea life

Kidzania was great.  My son got to play being police, fireman, rescue team, ice cream maker and courier.  Each session usually last about 30 to 40 mins.  Most time was spent in training before the actual missions and kids learned equipment names or skills required for the missions.
Kidzania: ambulance on a missionKidzania: Resuscitation trainingKidzania: putting out fireKidzania: Fire Engine DispatchKidzania: Police PatrolKidzania: Police training

After kids completed their missions, they get paid Kidzania money so that they can bank in or spend on stuffs like ice cream or souvenir.  I noticed that most of the professions/institutes there are actually sponsored by brands, such as hospital by Johnson and Johnson, ice cream house by Nissei, airline by ANA, etc etc.  It is a great idea, perhaps real employees circulate to Kidzania and play with kids too.
At the end of the day at Kidzania, both my son and us were exhausted.  It was a proud day for him wearing different uniforms and doing the 'real' stuffs.  For us, we enjoyed a lot seeing him experiencing a lot in 5 hours.  Highly recommended for those who have kids.  One thing though, the "English Spoken" signage means nothing at all in Kidzania Tokyo, coz staff could barely speak English there.
The next day, family went back to Hong Kong while I stayed in Tokyo for business.  Found a lot of great stationery stuffs I'm gonna share soon.

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