Patrick Ng

Posts Tagged ‘postcards’

These Are The Things We Store

In Uncategorized on January 28, 2009 at 11:13 am

Following a discussion at's recent post "True Confessions of a Former Pack Rat", I'm to reveal my way of using KOLO's Havana boxes.  I own 3 Havana boxes, a black bonded leather medium, a red cloth medium and a green cloth large.  The 2 medium ones are in my office.  I use the black one to store name cards bundled by events, the red one is for storing postage stamps and interesting papers I collected from company mails.  So I'm not using these boxes for photos at all coz the hurdle to start get organized with ALL of your prints is simply too high I stalled.
The green large Havana box at home is used to store paper stuffs related to my son.  I limited the collection to paper and some photos otherwise 10 boxes would not be enough.  Here's the content:
  1. A large Moleskine notebook: I write down key events and funny stuffs I heard from my son.  Sometimes I stick photos in it.
  2. A Moleskine Japanese album in small size: It was unfolded and used as a decoration of our living room shelf.  It contains pages of me and my wife's baby pictures, wedding pictures and my son's baby photos.  It is like a story unfolded.
  3. Photo copies of drawings I made for my son, postcards I sent to him when I was overseas for business, his first movie ticket, all these small stuffs.
  4. A large sketch book: this is the most interactive part of my treasure chest.  I would pick up this sketch book once in a while and ask my son what he wants to see on a page.  Most of the time he would say McQueen or Thomas, he is never bored by them, but I would ask a few questions to steer him away from those thoughts.  Eventually we would end up with a very nice page we both like a lot.  In this picture you see a blue/red stripe box with a hole.  My son looked inside using a flash light and found 2 blue birds, so we went to a dark room bringing this sketch book and try to investigate further how they look like.  We used flash light, we inserted our little fingers to the hole to feel their feathers, we were pecked by them, they flew out in the dark room and our flash light went wild searching for them while we could hear them chirped.  We finally realized that we were actually in the same situation as these 2 blue birds.  We were in a dark room with windows, "perhaps a huge finger will push through the window and poke us like what we did to the blue birds!" And then we ran around the room to hide from the window.  I asked my son if that huge finger really poke us, what would he do, he said "hit it! hit it hard!", I said "Oh I see, we would do the same like those two little blue birds! That's why they pecked us, they were scared".  And "what if that huge finger belongs to a giant who's also inside a bigger box called Earth? …."  Our mind flew away and we had such a great time imagining, all through one drawing.  This I treasure a lot.

So these are things I stored in KOLO's Havana Boxes.  If you look at the content disregarding the materials, you get to understand you are storing connections, love, exploration, imagination, happiness.  These are things giving you smiles, motivations and inspirations when you open the boxes, these are things you pass to people around you too, they age well.

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